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Risk Mitigation

from Pinnacle Risk Solutions

Risk Mitigation

Claims Management

At Pinnacle Risk, our claims teams of specialists are experts in specific areas to assist you. This includes workers compensation, medical management, litigation management, general liability, automobile liability, property damage, property exposure and adjudication including business interruption and catastrophic claims. We understand the price our client pays for insurance is directly related to the claims performance and that managing a client’s claims will yield them significant financial returns.

Fleet Safety Management

Our program combines decades of experience and today’s best technology into one highly effective enterprise solution for fleet safety management. Backed by expert service professionals, our industry-leading tools help you identify risk and inefficiency, improve fleet safety and performance, simplify administrative tasks and reduce related costs. Our solution covers the entire driver lifecycle:

  • Pre-Hire screening
  • On-the-road monitoring
  • Corrective training
  • MVR monitoring
  • Online safety training library.
  • Safety meeting documentation

Contract Review

Best practice companies understand it is far more valuable to vet contracts up front while they are still negotiable than to execute the contract and hope you can modify it on the back end. One key area we have seen increasing is where companies are assuming risk in the contracts they have in place for the operation of the company. We have three objectives in reviewing the contracts sent to us by clients:

  • Identifying Contractual Obligations
  • Ensuring they comply with their Statutory Duty of Disclosure
  • Ensuring their policies will work as intended

These activities are an essential and unavoidable component to managing a sound economic and efficient insurance program. Generally, clients do not have risk and insurance advisors on staff. This is where Pinnacle Risk can complement the legal advice sought by clients. We have the expertise to review a contract and advise on inherent risks and where insurance policies may need amendment to work. Please note however that we are not legal advisors and we do not give legal advice.

Vendor Qualification

Certificates of Insurance do not confer coverage, only insurance policies do. Without reading the sub-contractors insurance policy you have absolutely no idea what coverage, if any, will be afforded to your project. If the subs policy will not pick up coverage during an event, then it falls to your insurance policy, having a potential significant impact on your future insurance. Our review consists of:

  • Insurance Verification- Make sure the policy is in force and limits are accurate
  • Report to client how closely the sub-contractors insurance coverage matches the requirements of the Master Agreements you have signed with the General Contractor, Developer, and Real Estate clients.