Are workers compensation claims hurting your bottom line? Is your experience Mod above 1.0 and rising? CompGuard can help!
For many companies, workers’ compensation is a HUGE concern. Costs often escalate very quickly and business owners often don’t have anywhere to turn for quality answers. Due to this, we’ve seen companies overpay significantly on their workers compensation premiums by hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
Our CompGuard Workers Compensation Cost Containment Platform includes:
CompGuard was built for companies who do not have their own risk management departments but want the ROI only a solid risk management department can deliver.
We begin with Risk Assessment of your current program. We benchmark ALL your current costs (direct & indirect) and loss control strategy while analyzing company strengths and weakness in their safety protocols. CompGuard will issue you a Blueprint and train you, your supervisors, and your employees on best safety practice protocols. CompGuard will issue you a Blueprint and train you, your supervisors, and your employees on best safety practice protocols.
Meanwhile our Claims Advocates will engage on all of your open claims seeking opportunities to improve outcomes and reduce your reserves, as this is essential to a lower experience Mod factor. It’s going to take a commitment to doing things the right way but after one to two years your efforts will pay off and your ROI should be substantial. In fact, we’ve never had a client sign on to CompGuard who didn’t get a return on their investment after two years.
CompGuard Risk Assessment and Blueprint
Our program starts with Risk Assessment and Blueprint to understand what the strengths are of your organization and where your systems and staff may need additional resources. It measures both leading indicators (safety program activities & loss control visits) and lagging indicators (numbers, cost, & cause of claims) for each of your locations. You will then receive the Blueprint and a worksheet to begin building your program.
The blueprint is the basis from which we all work to manage and track all the critical information as it relates to your claims. The system provides key K.P.I.’s (Key Performance Indicators) & trends which are focused on performance and costs which will help define the cost drivers in your business. This system allows us to hold all stakeholders accountable for the ultimate results. Lack of accountability is the number one reason why companies fail as it relates to employee injuries.
CompGuard Training & Education
We organize training around three core staff groupings in your organization to help accelerate internal adoption:
In addition, we offer a powerful library of risk management educational tools to help educate your staff on best practices. Additionally, we help you stay on top of the latest industry trends through our network of the nation’s best thought leaders in risk management.
CompGuard Loss Prevention Resources
Loss prevention resources are then selected based upon what the Blueprint and Risk Assessment is telling us your organization may need. We have trusted, vetted, and specialized advisors that we leverage for your unique business challenges. This method allows us to build a very specialized Risk Management plan for your business which includes:
CompGuard Claims Management and Advocacy
We have a staff of workers’ compensation claims specialists hold the carriers and adjusters accountable for the reserves and values assigned to the file. Many times, the mistake’s an adjuster makes inflates the claim value and increases your Mod. This leads to an increase in premium that you have no control over.
CompGuard Workers Compensation Cost Recovery and Mod Review
Many businesses we engage with are overpaying on their workers’ comp due to common errors in their experience modification or audits. Our sole mission is to obtain refunds on prior workers compensation policies and reduce workers compensation premiums for employers. We realize you’re busy and you don’t have time for another project, but you want to get refunds and lower your premiums, so we do all the work and handle everything for you. There are no out-of-pocket expenses. We only get paid after we review and recover overcharges from your insurance companies and you receive a refund, credit, or reduced premium. With a workers compensation audit by Pinnacle Risk, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
CompGuard Annual Review
We ensure lasting success. With our yearly review, our dedicated staff makes sure that we’re on top of your account. This review includes: